I look for art everywhere I go. Art just happens whenever anyone puts their mind to it and wants to express what they are thinking, feeling, seeing or reacting to.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veterans' Day
November 11, 2009. Who doesn’t love a parade? And who wouldn’t love a marching band in bright red uniforms, marching up 5th Avenue? These uniforms were in such stark contrast to the black, brown and navy uniforms of the other bands and groups. And the white plumes, fluttering in the wind, were bright and clean against the drab gray sky.
As I travel around the City I am always aware of the art around me, in all of its forms. I enjoy watching the lamp posts as I pass by, the sides of buildings, the sidewalks, the sky, almost anywhere. Sometimes I spot artists I know from Union Square, Soho and elsewhere in the City.